Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter Morning Surprise!

No Easter eggs, no Easter bunny... but rather a cow on an Easter hunt for trouble!

Sally, one of our cows, is a curious creature. She tends to be in the thick of things no matter what is happening in the pasture. Today she lived up to her reputation. Early this morning we watched as Sally and few other cows crossed the stream that flows through their pasture and then congregated in an area where a culvert brings run off water from across the road onto our property and eventually into the stream. The cows typically don't go to this area, let alone spend any time there. But this morning, there they were. 

The cows returned to the main pasture and cow barn as we put out hay for them. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, that is until we saw Sally. 

Sally, and only Sally, had tangled with a porcupine! She wore a face full of porcupine quills! 

Sally and her face full of porcupine quills.

The quills were even in the corner of her eye

Using needle nose pliers and working from the top of her head down,
we slowly removed the quills as Sally ate her morning hay.

Sally seemed to welcome the assistance. 
We didn't count the quills but we easily removed about 40 of them from Sally's face.

The quills were removed and Sally,
comfortable again, is back to being a happy cow.

Monday, March 18, 2013

As We Move Into Spring...

we enjoy longer hours of daylight 

Spring is announced by a bountiful supply of fresh eggs!
Meet some of our chickens... These lovely girls are Welsummers, Chanteclers and a Speckled Sussex.

Our Americana rooster.
Stepping out of the hen house in the early morning.
Even though snow is in the forecast for tomorrow, our hens are busy!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

A Peak at this Past Week on our Farm

Farm life in the winter... it is not always easy but the rewards are great. 

Spooney, a yearling, and Felix, two years old ... best friends!
Heading down the farm alley way to feed the animals.

Our hiefers in the snow
Breakfast after heavy snow overnight.

Hay from our fields, stored for a cold winters' day.

The cows view of the farm from the treeline in the cow pasture.

Water, a daily chore, no matter the weather.  Waiting as the solar water trough is filled.

Family fun... sledding in the cow pasture.

Who doesn't love sledding!

How do we get back up the hill? This is how...

Gus, a loyal friend with a big heart.

A evening with family by lamp light as we celebrate a birthday.